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Eyes like a car crash...I know I shouldn't look but I can't turn away...

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Radi se o tome da je zajebano sve, jako. Ali to obično u životu mora tako ići. Uvijek je negdje zajebano.

To tell the truth I don't have much to offer but I'll still give you everything I've got, even if it's barely a thing at all.

Salt my wounds but I can't heal the way I feel about you....
Will the hunger ever stop? Can we simply starve this sin?

Pitam se tko smo bili prije svega ovoga. U prošlom životu, jesi li bio naslonjen na moje rame? Smijao se i pričao mi kako je prošao dan? I zašto uopće razmišljam o prošlom životu?

Now, a passionate bite from the sharp of the night leaves me soaked...because you melt the sun and the sky...

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I'll give you late nights, long hugs, someone to talk to, someone to care for, someone who will always be there, a hand to hold, somebody to lean on...and if...

Za osobu koja je nestrpljiva, nemirna i posvuda, nemam fokus, nemam jedno mjesto i sada mi to sve treba u jednome... i strpljenje i spokoj i fokus. Ili bi možda samo trebala odspavati.

...and if it's not enough, just know you have...all of me.

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That little kiss you stole...It held my heart and soul and like a deer in the headlights I meet my fate...

...and those eyes got me shifted...

Zbilja bih trebala odspavati.

Post je objavljen 16.12.2013. u 19:30 sati.